Monday, October 23, 2006

Cereal and Sprinkles

Since my highly engrossing lifestyle allows me eons of idiot box time I have become more acquianted with all that is available on cable television. While I sometimes wonder how many direct hits to the head he took as a child, and if his hair is real, Conan O'Brien has been able to make me laugh quite a bit every once in a while.
"Earlier tonight, President Bush had dinner with the president of Pakistan and the president of Afghanistan. And tomorrow, the president will have breakfast with Count Chocula and Captain Crunch."
While I admit I am not a fan of either sugar-gorged cereal I wonder why no one else was invited to that meeting. I am pretty sure many cavity-infested children would love to meet the Count and Captain Crunch, but noooo, Bush is so egotistical...

Of course Conan was nice enough to make me laugh some more with this gem:
"President Bush had dinner with the president of Pakistan and the president of Afghanistan. The president of Pakistan claimed Osama bin Laden is hiding in Afghanistan, the president of Afghanistan said Osama's in Pakistan and President Bush said, 'I like sprinkles on my ice cream.'"
The only thing that bothers me about this line is that I am an actual fan of sprinkles on my ice cream, but now I shudder to think I have something in common with that paramount of human stupidity. I am giving serious thought to giving up sprinkles forever, sigh...