Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Last Day!!!

I cannot believe I have made it here, today is the last day of finals!!! I honestly do not think I could last another day, I have been in freak study mode for the last week and I am about to fall over. For those who have put up with me for the last couple of weeks, you are the best. For those who thought I was so difficult, well sucks for you, because I do not forget nor will I forgive.
With reasonable men I will reason; with humane men I will plea; but to tyrants I will give no quarter, nor waste arguments where they will certainly be lost.

On a much happier note, tonight I will be inducted into the Golden Key International Honour Society! It is a great accomplishment for me, and if nothing else, it is a result of my hard work. One again for those of you who have shared this with me, and have been truly happy for me, thank you.
The happiness of a [person] in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions.

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