Thursday, May 04, 2006

So I have not been here in a while, the 10 things I have to do every minute of every day keep me from having the time to type up just a few lines. Finals are hell, and whoever thought of them should rot in the flames of hell for all eternity, or something of that nature. So here I am writing what seems to be like the millionth paper today (in actuality it is only the second on this fabulous day) and of course I must take a break.
I actually came to read a paper written by one of Miguel's friends, that he recommended, which was nothing shy of brilliant. It was an amazing paper on feminism, which was able to merge humor with all the seriousness of the topic. As a great appreciator of all types of writing I must say that it was one of the absolute best papers I have ever read, applause.
I am taking a break from writing a paper on a gravely depressing book, The Pawnbroker. I have also seen the movie adaptation and to say it falls short does not even hit the tip of the iceberg. There is no way a movie can ever truly depict the dismal, extremely painful scenes in this book. So of course, it is quote time! (Cut me some slack, my brain if fried) One of my favorite scenes in the book is an interaction between the main character and a woman who is hoping for a relationship with him, but he is too dead inside to care.
"My dear Miss Birchfield, how touchingly naïve you still are, you discovered loneliness, you found that life was unjust and cruel. What an astounding accomplishment! And with commendable humility you say that I might despise your suffering, that it might seem less dramatic than my own. Very well⎯but let me try to make some sense to you. There is this, my dear sociologist. People who have ‘suffered’ in your little world may or may not become bitter, depending, perhaps, on the state of their digestive system or whether they were weaned to early in infancy. But wait, this you have not considered. There is a world so different in scale that its emotions bear no resemblance to yours; it has emotions so different in degree that they have become a different species! I am not bitter, Miss Birchfield; I am past that by a million years! Bitter, why should you say that? Do you hear me curse people? Have I delivered a diatribe on the evils of fascism, the infamies of Hitler? Do not be silly. I am a man with no anger and no desire for vengeance. I concentrate on what makes sense to me, that is all. I want nothing at all but peace and quiet."

1 comment:

sancie said...

Hi Jenn!

I just really wanted to thank you for you comment; it blew up my ego for the rest of the month :) (yeah, I know, those poor people who'll have to put up with me... )
